2025 Plans for the shop
We had an excellent 2024 in our shop, and are setting our goals for this year. As it stands, we currently have over 169 items in our shop. Our goal for the end of the year is to be at or above 320 items. Being only two people, this is rather ambitious, but we are willing to put in the work to get there. We are looking to potentially add a second embroidery machine in the summer that is bigger to allow us to take on even bigger embroidery challenges, as well as to keep up on orders. Rather we do that or not depends on sales going into the summer. We have added an icon of Saint Jude to the shop and are currently working on icons of Saints Matrona of Moscow and Ilya Muromets that will be in the pocket icon/patch size. They will also have prayer cards as well. Behind them, we have many different things we are lining up to offer. Stay tuned- our shop will be growing massively in the coming months!